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Do Jadestone handle domestic waste?
Yes, but we have to make a charge. Domestic waste can normally be recycled at the local civic amenity facility, but some items, for example commercial fridges used by a householder, may not be accepted. Also, if you need your computer hard disk destroyed we offer that service.

Is mercury released from your lamp collection process?
No, all the fluorescent tubes are bulked and stored into a separate waste stream and sent to a central recycling facility. No mercury is released during our process.

When you recycle computers is there a risk that our data can be seen by others?
No, all the hard drives in computers we receive are electrically degaussed then physically crushed. There is no risk of your data being seen by anyone else. We are registered to ISO standard 27001: Information security and follow rigid procedures with regards to the safety of your data.

Is mercury released from your lamp collection process?
No, all the fluorescent tubes are bulked and stored into a separate waste stream and sent to a central recycling facility. No mercury is released during our process.