About Us
Jadestone Recycling Ltd is specialist recycling company, certified to ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 standards, located on the South Coast and servicing the South Coast.
In order to address the needs of our existing clients and with a view to offering new clients on the South Coast the best service available, Jadestone Recycling Ltd and partners have a service that ensures compliance with all the new legislation Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)and the disposal and recycling of Hazardous Wastes, including fluorescent lamps and household batteries.
Businesses must ensure that the WEEE they produce is managed according to existing waste management legislation including the Duty of Care and the Hazardous Waste Regulations. To that end Jadestone Recycling Ltd supports and guides businesses through the process of responsibly disposing of their WEEE.
All collections are recycled in the UK with the exception of batteries which are recycled in France.
Why Recycle?
WEEE has been introduced to increase the recycling and/or re-use of electrical and electric equipment and regulate the disposal of hazardous substances found in many electrical products. By recycling we can reduce the landfill usage and protect ourselves and the world from health and environmental risks. Jadestone Recycling Ltd is an Island company striving to keep the South Coast as beautiful as it already is. Please recycle!!!!
Can we just put used torch batteries in our normal waste?
New legislation will require you to handle batteries separately. This already applies to lamps.

Is mercury released from your lamp collection process?
No, all the fluorescent tubes are bulked and stored into a separate waste stream and sent to a central recycling facility. No mercury is released during our process.

When you recycle computers is there a risk that our data can be seen by others?
No, all the hard drives in computers we receive are electrically degaussed then physically crushed. There is no risk of your data being seen by anyone else. We are registered to ISO standard 27001: Information security and follow rigid procedures with regards to the safety of your data.

What are WEEE regulations?
These regulations require that all waste electrical items be stored and treated separately to other waste streams to ensure maximum re-use and recycling. Domestic electrical waste can normally be recycled at your local civic amenity facility. Jadestone deals primarily with local authorities, schools, NHS trusts and companies to ensure all electrical waste is correctly disposed of and that our customers meet and exceed all the relevant legislations and regulations.